
Showing posts from March, 2025

Taking advantage of changes to AncestryDNA groups and "enhanced shared matching" to sort DNA matches

We have seen a lot of changes at AncestryDNA recently. Ancestry subscribers now have 64 groups and 32 colours to work with. ProTools subscribers also have "enhanced shared matching". More recently, we've had the Chrome extension - Genealogy Assistant - to assist us.  What does this mean for me? I have more groups and colours to work with. The display of groups is different. I can see how much atDNA a shared match not only shares with me but also with the match I are working with eg Frank shares 824cM with me and 51cM with my match JBis. I can see my matches below 20cM on the shared match page if that person shares 20cM or more with the match I'm looking at eg James shares 50cM with my match JBis and 10cM with me. Over the last couple of months, I've been evolving how I use these features. I'm sure it will continue to evolve but I thought it was time to document where I'm at in March 2025. I still use my "Twisted Leeds Method". My first step is t...